Friday, December 12, 2014

Nutcracker Performance

On Thursday fourth grade students performed the Nutcracker for  a large audience of parents.  Thank you all for coming!  Students will be putting on two more shows next week for GEMS students.  A big thank you to Mrs. Sweeney who has worked hard since fall to prepare students for their holiday show.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Sound Exploration

Students explored sound at three different stations In the Lightbulb Lab on Monday. They worked to observe and record what they heard and saw happening and to develop their own claim that could be supported with evidence.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Severe Weather Public Service Announcements

During our study of weather students came to the understanding that humans can predict, but not control a weather event.  However, there are things we can do to limit the impact of the event and keep ourselves safe.  Students worked with partners to research various severe weather events. Then they worked in small groups to write a script and perform a PSA that would inform others about the severe weather and how to stay safe.  

Tsunami PSA

Tornado PSA

Lightning PSA

Hurricane PSA

Blizzard PSA

Vermont Geography

This week students explored Vermont maps and learned how to use map features to help them locate towns and geographical features of Vermont.  Ask your child how the following map features can help them:  title, index, map scale, map legend, symbols, compass rose, boundaries, and grid.  In addition, see if they can tell you the name of the largest lake and the tallest mountain peak in Vermont.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Growth Mindset

We have been learning about growth mindset this week.  We learned that people with a growth mindset believe intelligence  can be developed and they are passionate about learning.  

Four Winds

Thursday students learned about the four different kinds of squirrels that inhabit Vermont.  Through a puppet show and stations, led by parent volunteers, they learned about the food and habits of these forest creatures.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Science Happenings

Students were hard at work creating props for their severe weather public service announcements in science.  Students will perform their PSAs on Friday.